Hotel Information
We have made block reservations at two hotels:
Tivoli Hotel is very close to the conference center. The room rate is 1695 DKK per night incl. breakfast.
Please follow this link
to make a reservation; once you enter August 22,
23 or 24 as arrival date, you will see the negotiated price.
Hotel Axel Guldsmeden is a bit further away. The room rate is 995 DKK excl. breakfast.
To book a room here, send an email to and include the following information:
Reference number 3043971 - to obtain the negotiated rate
Name (fist and last)
Arrival and departure date
Credit card information for guarantee (card number and expiration date)
For cheaper accommodation (no block reservations):
There are many other nice hotels in Copenhagen, and you may try to search yourself.